E-motions are energy in motion, literally.
When we allow feelings to become a mood this can be equated to being stuck.
But when you allow the energy to “move”, meaning not getting stuck in the mood, you allow energy to continue to move in and through you…and out.
…Not to say that then they are ok to be expressed however we choose, but we must be mindful of the medium of expression we choose and who or what it will affect and how it will affect.
However, when feelings are not felt fully they can and do become stuck somewhere in your body/energetic field until they are felt. This can actually turn into fat on your body, debt in your finances, baggage in your mental/emotional selves.
Sometimes when we have a stored feeling (one that we are not aware of because we didn’t feel it and allow it to move at the time it originated so we forgot about it) we deal with it in different ways that can be unhealthy. We can go to food, drugs, sex or other various vices. These actions give us comfort and a distraction from that feeling that is sitting with us and that we don’t know what to do with it.
There is nothing wrong or bad about feelings or emotions. It’s how we allow them to flow and how we express them that can be sometimes viewed or judged as negative. If there’s an over abundance of them, especially within women, we will be called “crazy”. If they are always expressed angrily or in outbursts, they won’t be accepted very positively.
What I have noticed is making a distinction between (1) being an emotion or emotional, with no conscious awareness of what’s going on with you and (2) expressing the emotion, with a conscious awareness.
When living from an emotional place, are judgment is clouded. We may not do the things we need to do, because we just don’t feel like it. For example, because we don’t feel like cooking, we go buy fast food. Because we are dealing with an upset or disappointment, we may call off from work.
Not saying these are instances that sometime need to be attended to in such a way, but constantly living from this emotional place can put a pause button on progress in those respective areas of life.
Living with your emotional self is when we acknowledge the truth of what we are feeling and accept it fully. Pulling it into who we are right then and continuing to move, do, go, act in other areas of your life as you had intended.
There are two things that come up here when we allow energy to flow as emotion are:
1. We are not blind to what our issue is. Sometimes when we are irritable, cranky or grumpy, we are not always cognizant of the source of that discomfort. We may have suppressed it for so long, because there was not “time” to deal with it, there was not a safe place to acknowledge it, express it. Perhaps, as a child, you were told to suck it up, stop crying, or shut up. You may have learned at an early age to handle your discomfort in a suppressive way and as you have grown older, subconsciously that’s what you do, because it is what you have always done. You don’t know another way.
2. We actually love ourselves more when we acknowledge, accept and attend to our feelings appropriately.
Ignoring yourself is such an act of dis-love. Don’t you hate it when you are ignored by someone? How can you expect to believe another loves you, if they refuse to acknowledge any part of you. You cannot. So, are we doing this to ourselves? Not accepting all of who you are is conditional love. Can you just only love the “good” things about yourself? Yes, we can and that’s what we do. But that is not true love. True, authentic love is unconditional.
And though it is far from easy to love another unconditionally 100% of the time, it is a bit more fathomable for us to make a choice to love ourselves unconditionally 100% of the time. The saying states” Love thy neighbor AS thyself. Loving thyself must take place first. Because only then, when we truly love ourselves, may we be truly loved by others.
The Process of Energy-in-Motion (Emotion):
Stimuli -> Automatic Reaction (Feeling) -> Awareness -> Acknowledgment (Knowing) -> Acceptance -> Action
Where have you found yourself getting stuck in the process of energy flow? (leave your comments)
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