The Self-Restoraton Course is a Kemetic Reiki “Ra Sekhi” Level 1 Certification.
Kemetic is another name to describe the people of Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians had the highest level of spirituality and the greatest civilization to exist on earth.
It is an Initiation…
This series is an initiation into a set of ancient spiritual practices that align your physical, mental and emotional bodies with your spiritual body.
Your spiritual body is pure spirit, whole and healed…already.
The techniques we practice bring all things into alignment.
Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki Level 1
The History of Kemetic Reiki & Foundations, Attributes of Maat & Ascension
Meditation & Visualization Techniques
The Dietary Practices & Breathing Techniques for Empowerment
What are…Energy, Aura, 7 major and 22 Minor Chakras
Spiritual Bathing to Stay “Clean”
The Magic of Color, Sound, Crystal and Palm Therapies
How To Connect With Spirit Guides & The Goddess Sekhmet
The Power of Sacred Symbols & Hand Positions and How To Use Them
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